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FlexiDAO enables companies worldwide to drive impact by truthfully procuring energy with Electricity Maps

With its innovative software, FlexiDAO helps companies navigate through the 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (CFE) journey to eliminate electricity-derived emissions, avoiding costs & risks truly. By using Electricity Maps data, it allows companies to trace back the origin of electricity as well as account for its actual carbon footprint for every hour of the day.


How to truthfully procure energy

Since its foundation in 2017, FlexiDAO’s mission and vision have been focused on increasing transparency in clean electricity sourcing, with the ultimate goal of helping organizations shift to a data-driven mindset and maximize their decarbonization impact through their electricity procurement choices. With its SaaS solutions, FlexiDAO wants to support energy buyers, and suppliers, by guiding them toward sourcing, or selling,  carbon-free electricity every hour of the day.

FlexiDAO supports all the stages to help companies easily procure more sustainable energy and benefit from industry-leading expertise. This process begins with educating companies on the market context of hourly procurement, its value, and the benefits companies can unlock by embracing this next-generation approach. FlexiDAO, with the support of the EU 24/7 Hub led by Eurelectric, has launched the 24/7 CFE Academy, which provides a unique corporate-friendly actionable framework to deploy 24/7 CFE. For the following steps, FlexiDAO offers additional tools and guidance.

A common denominator for each step is the need for reliable electricity and carbon data. For this, FlexiDAO partners with Electricity Maps.

“The API is a part of our base API offerings, and it is really important for us to have this data. It is, also, one of the simplest APIs that we had to integrate - just pure plug-and-play”.

Emanuele Rossi

Innovation & Product Manager at FlexiDAO


Empower companies to do 24/7

Accurate and impactful electricity procurement practices

With an increasing demand for 24/7 electricity matching, FlexiDAO aims to give their customers the optimal solution to engage in increasingly accurate and impactful electricity procurement practices.

FlexiDAO wants to enable companies to decarbonize their operations by tracing where their electricity comes from and mapping its true CO2 intensity every hour of the day -  this is where Electricity Maps kicks in. After having known Electricity Maps for multiple years, in 2020, FlexiDAO decided to integrate Electricity Maps data in order to provide their customers with more accurate information on their electricity CO2 emissions.

“We don't want to work in silos and create our own products, our own certificates, and mechanisms; we want to co-create the new standards for the next generation of electricity procurement, certification, and carbon accounting to help buyers maximize - and measure - their decarbonization impact.”

Emanuele Rossi

Innovation & Product Manager at FlexiDAO

Integration of the Electricity Maps API

Today, FlexiDAO integrates the Electricity Maps API into its SaaS product and unlocks a better overview of KPIs related to reducing carbon emissions for its customers.

With the data fully integrated, FlexiDAO makes it possible for its customers to accurately monitor and track their CO2 emissions. To create these customer insights, FlexiDAO uses average location-based emissions.


Settings new standards

FlexiDAO and ElectricityMaps collaborate on a variety of projects with a joint mission of creating new standards in the energy procurement industry.

Soon, FlexiDAO will expand its services involving Electricity Maps data. With some upcoming innovative ideas, FlexiDAO aims to create a new offering enabling its customers to get estimations and quick reports containing a variety of estimates, current status, CFE scores, etc.

Electricity Maps is happy to support FlexiDAO on its mission and is looking forward to many more years of a great partnership.

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