Fill out the form below and learn how your company can lower emissions, optimize energy consumption and make cost effective choices using electricity data.
Our API offers historical (3-5 years back in time), real-time, and 24hr forecasted carbon electricity consumption and production data with an hourly resolution. You can access the average and marginal carbon intensity, power mix breakdown, and much more; accounting for imports and exports between markets and including estimations in case of delayed or missing data. Have a look at our API documentation to see a complete overview of the data offered, and feel free to contact us if you need data that is not listed here, maybe it is on our roadmap!
You can find all our data sources on our GitHub Repository here. For more information about how we calculate our carbon intensity see our GitHub Wiki here or browse through our blog posts where our methodology is explained in greater detail.
Our clients (Google, Microsoft, etc.) use our data in numerous innovative ways. They use our data to reduce the carbon footprint of data centers, schedule energy-intensive software updates at lower-carbon times, optimize EV charging, empower users of smart home solutions, create new tools to help users quantify their carbon footprint, and many more. Browse through some of our use cases published here.
You can access our API with a subscription. The pricing depends on a number of factors, including the number of countries you’d like to access and the type of data you need (historical, real-time, forecasted, and/or marginal). Our pricing for a subscription to the API starts at 500€/month, please write to us in our contact form detailing the type(s) of data and the geographic coverage you are interested in, and we’ll provide a quote specific to your needs. If you have specific SLA or other requirements, we’re happy to discuss these with you and tailor a solution specific to you.
We offer a free tier of API access for non-commerical projects. The free tier lets you access carbon intensity data for more than 200 regions worldwide on different time frames: 24h historical (we offer data reaching back 3-5 years in our commercial offering), and real time. You can get a free API token here.
To support public research and academia we provide a limited set of data for free. For further information and access to the data please visit our academia page.
We are excited to hear that you want to give us feedback on our app or data!
Please use our feedback form to give your suggestions, report missing/suspicious data or share any other feedback you might have: